How To Juice Wheatgrass : The Ultimate Guide To Juicing Wheatgrass For Health And Nutrition

How To Juice Wheatgrass

The Ultimate Guide To Juicing Wheatgrass For Health And Nutrition

Discover The Secret To Juicing Wheatgrass, The Key To Health And Wellness!

Our society is being poisoned by fast food, over processed products and sugar-infused junk. More than a third of American adults are categorized as obese and suffer from related conditions such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and cancer. These are the leading causes of preventable death. An estimated $147 billion are spent annually to cover medical costs as a result of unhealthy eating. Many people believe that being healthy is expensive, difficult and the food just doesn't taste good.

In this book you will discover a healthy way of living through the joys of juicing and the amazing properties of wheatgrass. This superfood is taking the world over and with just a small shot a day; you'll be healthier, happier and bursting with energy! You don't need to spend money or waste time seeking out an organic health store, in this book you'll learn step-by-step how to grow and juice your own wheatgrass from the comfort of your home. It's cheap, effective, will eliminate disease and extend your life.

Here's what you'll learn:

  • What is wheatgrass and what does it do?
  • The benefits of wheatgrass and how it will help you
  • Key preparations to juicing your own wheatgrass
  • The blender method so easy, fast wheatgrass juice
  • The juicer method to ensure you receive every last drop of nutrients
  • The pestle and mortar method to get the most out of this superfood
  • 8 delicious wheatgrass juice recipes
  • The 5-step method of growing your own wheatgrass
  • How to prevent mold and get the freshest blades
  • How to join the juicing lifestyle so you can enjoy your life to the fullest